Version 4.0.0-rc.3?
Release Date: Oct 19, 2019
RC.3 release of CodeIgniter4
- Beefed up database, session & routing handling.
- Fixed numerous bugs & user guide errata.
App changes:
- New $CSRFHeaderName property in App/Config/App
Message changes:
The list of changed files follows, with PR numbers shown.
- admin/
- app/
- Config/
- App #2272
- public/
- system/
- Autoloader/
- FileLocator #2336
- Database/
- MySQLi/Forge #2100
- Postgre/Forge #2100
- SQLite3/Forge #2100
- BaseBuilder #2252, 2312
- Forge $2100
- Migration #2303
- MigrationRunner #2303
- Debug/
- Exceptions #2288
- Toolbar/Collectors/
- Route #2300
- Toolbar #2315
- Views/ #2283
- Helpers/
- inflector_helper #2296
- url_helper #2325
- CURLRequest #2285, 2305
- Files/UploadedFile #2123
- Language/en/
- Encryption #2311
- RESTful #2311
- Session #2311
- Router/
- Exceptions/RedirectException #2338
- Router #2308, 2338
- Security/
- Security #2272, 2279
- Session/
- Handlers/
- DatabaseHandler #2298
- FileHandler #2298, 2307
- MemcachedHandler #2298
- RedisHandler #2298
- Session #2339
- Validation/
- Validation #2284, 2341
- View/
- View #2324
- CodeIgniter #2338
- Common #2279
- Model #2289, 2332
- tests/ #2345
- tests/_support/
- Config/
- MockAppConfig #2272
- tests/system/
- Database/
- Builder/
- UpdateTest #2295
- Live/
- ForgeTest #2100
- Helpers/
- InflectorHelperTest #2296
- URLHelperTest #2325
- CURLRequestTest #2285
- Log/
- FileHandlerTest #2346
- Security/
- SecurityTest #2279
- Session/
- SessionTest #2339
- CommonFunctionsTest #2279
- user_guide_src/
- dbmgmt/
- forge #2100
- migration #2337
- general/
- common_functions #2279
- errors #2338
- modules #2290
- helpers/
- inflector_helper #2296
- incoming/
- message #2282
- restful #2313, 2321, 2333
- routing #2327
- libraries/
- curlrequest #2305
- security #2279
- models/
- model #2316, 2332
- outgoing/
- table #2337
PRs merged:?
- #2348 CodeIgniter Foundation gets copyright
- #2346 Fix FilerHandlerTest.php wierdness
- #2345 Tests readme polish
- #2344 Setup vs Set Up
- #2343 User guide minor fixes. Fix class names and code area
- #2341 Simplify Validation::getErrors()
- #2339 Fix Session::get(‘key’) returns null when value is (int) 0
- #2338 Revert RedirectException change
- #2337 Guide: Minor grammar corrections
- #2336 Correct cleaning of namespaces in Windows
- #2333 Guide: RESTful table formatting
- #2332 Change after methods to use actual data
- #2328 Update Application structure
- #2327 Correct the tourint UG page
- #2325 Fix bug in url_title() function with diacritics
- #2324 Renderer Toolbar Debug Toggle
- #2321 Update RESTful User Guide
- #2316 Add getValidationRules() to model UG page
- #2315 Enhance Toolbar::renderTimeline
- #2313 RESTful User Guide cleanup
- #2312 BaseBuilder variable type fix
- #2311 Convert all language returns to single quote
- #2308 Bugfix extra autoroute slashes
- #2307 Resolve session save handler issue
- #2305 Fix curl debug bug
- #2303 Use DBGroup variable from migration class if defined
- #2300 Routes collector for toolbar should not die when a method name is calculated through _remap
- #2298 fix issue on session_regenerate
- #2296 Add counted() to Inflector Helper
- #2295 Test set() method in Builder class more
- #2290 Fix Code Modules documentation for psr4 namespace configuration
- #2289 Don’t restrict model’s access to properties in a read-only manner
- #2288 Fix line numbering in Debug/Exceptions class
- #2285 Fix error with Host header for CURLRequest class
- #2284 Fix getErrors() for validation with redirect
- #2283 Hotfix: Rename collectors _*.tpl.php to _*.tpl
- #2282 Fix user guide for Message class
- #2279 Bug in CSRF parameter cleanup
- #2272 Handle X-CSRF-TOKEN - CSRF
- #2252 Batch Update Where Reset
- #2123 WIP fix store() default value bug
- #2100 Added validation on exists database before created for MySQLi