Version 4.0.0-rc.1?
Release Date: Not released
RC.1 release of CodeIgniter4
- CI3 Email ported to CI4
- Encryption (basic) added
- Migrations refactored and streamlined for more wholistic functionality (BC)
- added convert() to ImageHandlerInterface
- disabled debug toolbar for downloads
- CLI commands returns an error code now (“spark” changed)
- RESTful controllers added to shorten dev time for RESTful APIs
- added RouteCollection::presenter() as part of the RESTful support
App changes:
- added app/Common to make it easier to override common functions
- Config/Email and Encryption added
- Config/Migration modified, and has different settings
- Controllers/Home fixed, removing unnecessary model reference
Message changes:
- Migration has new & modified messages
- Messages now has RESTful set
The list of changed files follows, with PR numbers shown.
- admin/
- release-appstarter #2155
- release-framework #2155
- app/
- Config/
- Email #2092
- Encryption #2135
- Migrations #2065
- Controllers/
- BaseController #2046
- Home #2145
- Common #2110
- public/
- system/
- API/
- ResponseTrait #2131
- Autoloader/
- Autoloader #2149
- FileLocator #2149
- Cache/Handlders/
- RedisHandler #2144
- CLI/
- CommandRunner #2164
- Commands/Database/
- CreateMigration #2065
- Migrate #2065, 2137
- MigrateRefresh #2065, 2137
- MigrateRollback #2065, 2137
- MigrateStatus #2137
- MigrateVersion #2137
- Config/
- BaseConfig #2082
- Services #2135, 2092
- Database/
- BaseBuilder #2127, 2090, 2142, 2153, 2160, 2023, 2001
- MigrationRunner #2065, 2137
- Debug/
- Toolbar #2118
- Email/
- Email #2092
- Encryption/
- EncrypterInterface #2135
- Encryption #2135
- Exceptions/EncryptionException #2135
- Handlers/
- BaseHandler #2135
- OpenSSLHandler #2135
- Exceptions/
- ConfigException #2065
- Files/
- File #2178
- Filters/
- DebugToolbar #2118
- Helpers/
- inflector_helper #2065
- Honeypot/
- Honeypot #2177
- DownloadResponse #2129
- Files/UploadedFile #2128
- Message @2171
- Response #2166
- Images/
- Handlers/
- -BaseHandler #2113, 2150 - ImageMagickHandler #2151
- BImageHandlerInterface #2113
- Language/en/
- Email #2092
- Encryption #2135
- Migrations #2065, 2137
- RESTful #2165
- RESTful/
- ResourceController #2165
- ResourcePresenter #2165
- Router/
- RouteCollection #2165
- Security/
- Security #2027
- Session/Handlers/
- RedisHandler #2125
- Test/
- CIDatabaseTestCase #2137
- bootstrap #2110
- CodeIgniter #2126, 2164
- Common #2109
- Entity #2112
- Model #2090
- tests/_support/
- RESTful/… #2165
- tests/system/
- API/
- ResponseTraitTest #2131
- Database/
- Builder/
- GetTest #2142
- SelectTest #2160
- WhereTest #2001
- Live/
- GroupTest #2160
- ModelTest #2090
- SelectTest #2160
- Migrations/MigrationRunnerTest #2065, 2137
- Encryption/
- EncryptionTest #2135
- OpenSSLHandlerTest #2135
- Helpers/
- InflectorHelperTest #2065
- DownloadResponseTest #2129
- MessageTest #2171
- Images/
- GDHandlerTest #2113
- RESTful/
- ResourceControllerTest #2165
- ResourcePresenterTest #2165
- Router/
- RouteCollectionTest #2165
- ControllerTest #2165
- EntityTest #2112
- user_guide_src/
- changelogs/
- next #2154
- database/
- query_builder #2160, 2001
- dbmgmt/
- migrations #2065, 2132, 2136, 2154, 2137
- extending/
- common #2162
- helpers/
- inflector_helper #2065
- incoming/
- restful #2165
- routing #2165
- libraries/
- email #2092, 2154
- encryption #2135
- images #2113, 2169
- outgoing/
- api_responses #2131
- localization #2134
- response #2129
- testing/
- database #2137
- #2010
- #2010
- spark
PRs merged:?
- #2178 Add fallback for missing finfo_open
- #2177 Fix missing form close tag
- #2171 Setheader dupes
- #2169 Add $quality usage for Image Library
- #2166 Cookie error
- #2165 RESTful help
- #2164 Exit error code on CLI Command failure
- #2162 User Guide updates for Common.php
- #2160 Add BaseBuilder SelectCount
- #2155 Include .gitignore in starters
- #2153 Bug fix countAllResults with LIMIT
- #2154 Fix email & migrations docs; update changelog
- #2151 ImageMagick->save() return value
- #2150 New logic for Image->fit()
- #2149 listNamespaceFiles: Ensure trailing slash
- #2145 Remove UserModel reference from Home controller
- #2144 Update Redis legacy function
- #2142 Fixing BuilderBase resetting when getting the SQL
- #2137 New Migration Logic
- #2136 Migrations user guide fixes
- #2135 Encryption
- #2134 Fix localization writeup
- #2132 Update migration User Guide
- #2131 Added No Content response to APIResponseTrait
- #2129 Add setFileName() to DownloadResponse
- #2128 guessExtension fallback to clientExtension
- #2127 Update limit function since $offset is nullable
- #2126 Limit storePreviousURL to certain requests
- #2125 Updated redis session handler to support redis 5.0.x
- #2118 Disabled Toolbar on downloads
- #2113 Add Image->convert()
- #2112 Update Entity.php __isset method
- #2110 Added app/Common.php
- #2109 Fix typo in checking if exists db_connect()
- #2092 Original email port
- #2090 Fix prevent soft delete all without conditions set
- #2082 Update BaseConfig.php
- #2065 Migration updates for more wholistic functionality
- #2046 clean base controller code
- #2027 Fix CSRF hash regeneration
- #2023 whereIn $value do not have to be an array
- #2010 Fix CSRF hash regenerationerbiage revisions
- #2001 Subqueries in BaseBuilder