Version 4.0.0-alpha.3?
Release Date: November 30, 2018
Next alpha release of CodeIgniter4
The list of changed files follows, with PR numbers shown.
- admin/
- framework/* #1553
- starter/* #1553
- docbot #1553
- release* #1484,
- pre-commit #1388
- #1553
- #1388
- application /
- Config/
- Autoload #1396, #1416
- Mimes #1368, #1465
- Pager #622
- Services #1469
- Filters/Honeypot #1376
- Views/
- errors/* #1415, #1413, #1469
- form.php removed #1442
- public /
- index.php #1388, #1457
- system /
- Autoloader/
- Autoloader #1547
- FileLocator #1547, #1550
- Cache/
- Exceptions/CacheException #1525
- Handlers/FileHandler #1547, #1525
- Handlers/MemcachedHandler #1383
- CLI/
- CLI #1432, #1489
- Commands/
- Database/
- CreateMigration #1374, #1422, #1431
- MigrateCurrent #1431
- MigrateLatest #1431
- MigrateRollback #1431
- MigrateStatus #1431
- MigrateVersion #1431
- Sessions/CrateMigration #1357
- Config/
- AutoloadConfig #1416
- BaseService #1469
- Mimes #1453
- Services #1180, #1469
- Database/
- BaseBuilder #1335, #1491, #1522
- BaseConnection #1335, #1407, #1491, #1522
- BaseResult #1426
- Config #1465, #1469, #1554
- Forge #1343, #1449, #1470, #1530
- MigrationRunner #1371
- MySQLi/Connection #1335, #1449
- MySQLi/Forge #1343, #1344, #1530
- MySQLi/Result #1530
- Postgre/Connection #1335, #1449
- Postgre/Forge #1530
- SQLite3/Connection #1335, #1449
- SQLite3/Forge #1470, #1547
- Debug
- Exceptions #1500
- Toolbar #1370, #1465, #1469, #1547
- Toolbar/Views/toolbar.tpl #1469
- Email/
- Email #1389, #1413, #1438, #1454, #1465, #1469, #1547
- Events/
- Events #1465, #1469, #1547
- Files/
- File #1399, #1547
- Format/
- XMLFormatter #1471
- Helpers/
- array_helper #1412
- filesystem_helper #1547
- Honeypot/
- Honeypot #1460
- CURLRequest #1547, #1498
- DownloadResponse #1375
- Exceptions/DownloadException #1405
- Files/FileCollection #1506
- Files/UploadedFile #1335, #1399, #1500, #1506, #1547
- IncomingRequest #1445, #1469, #1496
- Message #1497
- RedirectResponse #1387, #1451, #1464
- Response #1456, #1472, #1477, #1486, #1504, #1505, #1497, #622
- ResponseInterface #1384
- UploadedFile #1368, #1456
- URI #1213, #1469, #1508
- Images/Handlers/
- ImageMagickHandler #1546
- Language/
- en/Cache #1525
- en/Database #1335
- en/Filters #1378
- en/Migrations #1374
- Language #1480, #1489
- Log/
- Handlers/FileHandler #1547
- Pager/
- Pager #1213, #622
- PagerInterface #622
- PagerRenderer #1213, #622
- Views/default_full #622
- Views/default_head #622
- Views/default_simple #622
- Router/
- RouteCollection #1464, #1524
- RouteCollectionInterface #1406, #1410
- Router #1523, #1547
- Session/Handlers/
- BaseHandler #1180, #1483
- DatabaseHandler #1180
- FileHandler #1180, #1547
- MemcachedHandler #1180
- RedisHandler #1180
- Test/
- CIUnitTestCase #1467
- FeatureTestCase #1427, #1468
- Filters/CITestStreamFilter #1465
- Validation /
- CreditCardRules #1447, #1529
- FormatRules #1507
- Rules #1345
- Validation #1345
- View/
- Filters #1469
- Parser #1417, #1547
- View #1357, #1377, #1410, #1547
- bootstrao #1547
- CodeIgniter #1465, #1505, #1523, 2047b5a, #1547
- Common #1486, #1496, #1504, #1513
- ComposerScripts #1469, #1547
- Controller #1423
- Entity #1369, #1373
- Model #1345, #1380, #1373, #1440
- tests /
- _support/
- HTTP/MockResponse #1456
- _bootstrap.php #1397, #1443
- Cache/Handlers/
- FileHandlerTest #1547, #1525
- MemcachedHandlerTest #1180, #1383
- RedisHandlerTest #1180, #1481
- CLI/
- CLITest #1467, #1489
- Commands/
- SessionCommandsTest #1455
- Database/Live/
- ConnectTest #1554
- ForgeTest #1449, #1470
- CURLRequestTest#1498
- Files/FileCOllectionTest #1506
- Files/FileMovingTest #1424
- DownloadResponseTest #1375
- IncomingRequestTest #1496
- RedirectResponseTest #1387, #1456
- ResponseCookieTest #1472, #1509
- ResponseSendTest #1477, #1486, #1509
- ResponseTest #1375, #1456, #1472, #1486, #622
- URITest #1456, #1495
- Helpers/
- DateHelperTest #1479
- I18n/
- TimeTest #1467, #1473
- Language/
- LanguageTest #1480
- Log/
- FileHandlerTest #1425
- Pager/
- PagerRendererTest #1213, #622
- PagerTest #622
- Router/
- RouteCollectionTest #1438, #1524
- RouterTest #1438, #1523
- Session/
- SessionTest #1180
- Test/
- BootstrapFCPATHTest #1397
- FeatureTestCase #1468
- TestCaseEmissionsTest #1477
- TestCaseTest #1390
- Throttle/
- ThrottleTest #1398
- Validation/
- FormatRulesTest #1507
- View/
- ParserTest #1335
- CodeIgniterTest #1500
- CommonFunctionsSendTest #1486, #1509
- CommonFunctionsTest #1180, #1486, #1496
- user_guide_src /source/
- changelogs/ #1385, #1490, #1553
- concepts/
- autoloader #1547
- security #1540
- services #1469
- structure #1448
- database/
- queries #1407
- dbmgmt/
- forge #1470
- migration #1374, #1385, #1431
- seeds #1482
- extending/
- core_classes #1469
- helpers/
- form_helper #1499
- installation/
- index #1388
- libraries/
- caching #1525
- pagination #1213
- validation #27868b, #1540
- models/
- entities #1518, #1540
- outgoing/
- response #1472, #1494
- testing/
- overview #1467
- tutorial/
- create_news_item #1442
- static_pages #1547
- /
- composer.json #1388, #1418, #1536, #1553
- #1553
- spark 2047b5a
- .travis.yml #1394
PRs merged:?
- #1554 Serviceinstances
- #1553 Admin/scripts
- #1550 remove commented CLI::newLine($tempFiles) at FileLocator
- #1549 use .gitkeep instead of .gitignore in Database/Seeds directory
- #1547 Change file exists to is file
- #1546 ImageMagickHandler::__construct …
- #1540 Update validation class User Guide
- #1530 database performance improvement : use foreach() when possible
- 2047b5a Don’t run filters when using spark.
- #1539 remove mb_* (mb string usage) in CreditCardRules
- #1536 ext-json in composer.json
- #1525 remove unneeded try {} catch {}
- #1524 Test routes resource with ‘websafe’ option
- #1523 Check if the matched route regex is filtered
- #1522 add property_exists check on BaseBuilder
- #1521 .gitignore clean up
- #1518 Small typo: changed setCreatedOn to setCreatedAt
- #1517 move .htaccess from per-directory in writable/{directory} to writable/
- #1513 More secure redirection
- #1509 remove unused use statements
- #1508 remove duplicate strtolower() call in URI::setScheme() call
- #1507 Fix multi “empty” string separated by “,” marked as valid emails
- #1506 Flesh out HTTP/File unit testing
- #1505 Do not exit until all Response is completed
- 27868b Add missing docs for {field} and {param} placeholders
- #1504 Revert RedirectResponse changes
- #1500 Ignoring errors suppressed by @
- #1499 Fix form_helper’s set_value writeup
- #1498 Add CURLRequest helper methods
- #1497 Remove unused RedirectException
- #1496 Fix Common::old()
- #1495 Add URI segment test
- #1494 Method naming in user guide
- #1491 Error logging
- #1490 Changelog(s) restructure
- #1489 Add CLI::strlen()
- #1488 Load Language strings from other locations
- #1486 Test RedirectResponse problem report
- #1484 missing slash
- #1483 Small typo in SessionHandlersBaseHandler.php
- #1482 doc fix: query binding fix in Seeds documentation
- #1481 RedisHandler test clean up
- #1480 Fix Language Key-File confusion
- #1479 Yet another time test to fix
- #1477 Add Response send testing
- #1475 Correct phpdocs for Forge::addField()
- #1473 Fuzzify another time test
- #1472 HTTPResponse cookie testing & missing functionality
- #1471 remove unused local variable $result in XMLFormatter::format()
- #1470 Allow create table with array field constraints
- #1469 use static:: instead of self:: for call protected/public functions as well
- #1468 Fix FeatureTestCaseTest output buffer
- #1467 Provide time testing within tolerance
- #1466 Fix phpdocs for BaseBuilder
- #1465 use static:: instead of self:: for protected and public properties
- #1464 remove unused use statements
- #1463 Fix the remaining bcit-ci references
- #1461 Typo fix: donload -> download
- #1460 remove unneeded ternary check at HoneyPot
- #1457 use $paths->systemDirectory in public/index.php
- #1456 Beef up HTTP URI & Response testing
- #1455 un-ignore app/Database/Migrations directory
- #1454 add missing break; in loop at Email::getEncoding()
- #1453 BugFix if there extension has only one mime type
- #1451 remove unneeded $session->start(); check on RedirectResponse
- #1450 phpcbf: fix all at once
- #1449 Simplify how to get indexData from mysql/mariadb
- #1448 documentation: add missing application structures
- #1447 add missing break; on loop cards to get card info at CreditCardRules
- #1445 using existing is_cli() function in HTTPIncomingRequest
- #1444 Dox for reorganized repo admin (4 of 4)
- #1443 Fixes unit test output not captured
- #1442 remove form view in app/View/ and form helper usage in create new items tutorial
- #1440 Access to model’s last inserted ID
- #1438 Tailor the last few repo org names (3 of 4)
- #1437 Replace repo org name in MOST php docs (2 of 4)
- #1436 Change github organization name in docs (1 of 4)
- #1432 Use mb_strlen to get length of columns
- #1431 can’t call run() method with params from commands migrations
- #1427 Fixes “options” request call parameter in FeatureTestCase
- #1416 performance improvement in DatabaseBaseResult
- #1425 Ensure FileHandlerTest uses MockFileHandler
- #1424 Fix FileMovingTest leaving cruft
- #1423 Fix Controller use validate bug
- #1422 fix Migrations.classNotFound
- #1418 normalize composer.json
- #1417 fix Parser::parsePairs always escapes
- #1416 remove $psr4[‘TestsSupport’] definition in applicationConfigAutoload
- #1415 remove unneded “defined(‘BASEPATH’) …
- #1413 set more_entropy = true in all uniqid() usage
- #1412 function_exists() typo fixes on array_helper
- #1411 add missing break; in loop in View::render()
- #1410 Fix spark serve not working from commit 2d0b325
- #1407 Database: add missing call initialize() check on BaseConnection->prepare()
- #1406 Add missing parameter to RouteCollectionInterface
- #1405 Fix language string used in DownloadException
- #1402 Correct class namespacing in the user guide
- #1399 optional type hinting in guessExtension
- #1398 Tweak throttle testing
- #1397 Correcting FCPATH setting in tests/_support/_bootstrap.php
- #1396 only register PSR4 “TestsSupport” namespace in “testing” environment
- #1395 short array syntax in docs
- #1394 add php 7.3 to travis config
- #1390 Fixed not to output “Hello” at test execution
- #1389 Capitalize email filename
- #1388 Phpcs Auto-fix on commit
- #1387 Redirect to named route
- #1385 Fix migration page; udpate changelog
- #1384 add missing ResponseInterface contants
- #1383 fix TypeError in MemcachedHandler::__construct()
- #1381 Remove unused use statements
- #1380 count() improvement, use truthy check
- #1378 Update Filters language file
- #1377 fix monolog will cause an error
- #1376 Fix cannot use class Honeypot because already in use in AppFiltersHoneypot
- #1375 Give download a header conforming to RFC 6266
- #1374 Missing feature migration.
- #1373 Turning off casting for db insert/save
- #1371 update method name in coding style
- #1370 Toolbar needs logging. Fixes #1258
- #1369 Remove invisible character
- #1368 UploadedFile->guessExtenstion()…
- #1360 rm –cached php_errors.log file
- #1357 Update template file is not .php compatibility
- #1345 is_unique tried to connect to default database instead of defined in DBGroup
- #1344 Not to quote unecessary table options
- #1343 Avoid add two single quote to constraint
- #1335 Review and improvements in databases drivers MySQLi, Postgre and SQLite
- #1213 URI segment as page number in Pagination
- #1180 using HTTPRequest instance to pull ip address
- #622 Add Header Link Pagination